This article explains the science behind Ashwagandha Indian Ginseng; a long-term vitality and sexual wellness herb that is pharmacologically active. This herbal sexual vitality enhancer is most effective in the long term and is effective for both men and women.
The Latin name is a bit of a misnomer, as “somnifera” translates to “sleep-inducing”. But it’s widespread use is for sexual wellness and overall vitality, which is why it’s considered both an active aphrodisiac and an adaptogen. It’s used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine in a very similar way that ginseng is used in Chinese medicine, which is likely the “root” of its being known as Indian Ginseng. It’s been used to help fight fatigue, to help ease stressors, and to increase overall wellness, just like ginseng has been attributed to.
In a letter by Chittaranjan Andrade from the Department of Psychopharmacology at the National Institute of Health, he stated; that Ashwagandha “downregulates 5-HT1 and upregulates 5-HT2 receptors in the rat brain; these changes are accompanied by a decrease in behavioural indices of anxiety and depression.” He went on to state that in a study of the safety and efficacy of an ethanolic extract of Ashwagandha, that 50 patients with anxiety disorders were studied. By the end of the first month of treatment, 36 patients showed moderate to excellent improvement at a dose of 1gram/day. And, in about 50% of those cases, statistically significant benefits developed within the first 2 weeks of taking Ashwagandha.
It’s not difficult to see how lower stress and anxiety levels could have a significant impact on sexual performance.
Ashwagandha may sometimes seem to have a vague description, but there are a number of herbs that effectively perform adaptogen functions, and Ashwagandha is at the top of that list. Furthermore, in the Ayurvedic system, we find a lengthy list of interrelated benefits of Ashwagandha; helping to improve nerve function that helps maintain calm during stressful situations, as an overall tonic for vitality and longevity, nourishment for bodily tissues, energizer to the mind-body connection and psychoneuro immune response (known as PNI), as a balancer that helps us combat difficult situations, and the list goes on.
Ashwagandha does have GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status, and has been used for over 3,000 years. Adaptogens are herbs that protect the body from stress and helps support the body under stressful conditions. As a recent study found; “Ashwagandha has been shown to decrease cortisol levels in persons under chronic stress, restore healthy adrenal function, and normalize the sympathetic nervous system (Dongre, 2015). And, interesting to our discussion is this tidbit: “Ashwagandha root extract is used to treat sexual weakness, erectile dysfunction, and performance anxiety in men and has been advocated to ameliorate diminished sexual desire in women and in all forms of sexual dysfunction (Dongre 2015).
Scientifically speaking, Ashwagandha is a nontoxic herb that works on a nonspecific basis to normalize physiological function, working on the HPA axis and the neuroendocrine system (V. R. Ambiye, 2013). What this means for you, is that Ashwagandha has been shown to be clinically active, which moves it beyond folk medicine and into the realm of an effective herbal medicine that, when blended with other herbs, can produce very tangible effects to help increase overall well-being and sexual well-being, especially when used in the long term.
Ashwagandha has been utilized fairly equally for both men and women. It’s most commonly prescribed by physicians in India for adults who have complaints of low energy although it’s been prescribed for those who complain of low libido as well. Unlike other herbal aphrodisiacs such as Damiana, Gingko, and Yohimbe that have a direct effect on blood flow to sexual organs, Ashwagandha has more to do with helping to boost the desire for sexual activity, by boosting overall energy and vitality. This has led one study to conclude that Ashwagandha isn’t an effective aphrodisiac for increasing sexual desire when the researchers stated; “As another cautionary note, we should emphasize that our results should not be interpreted as implying that ashwagandha is an aphrodisiac. In our study, HCARE failed to improve sexual “desire.” (Dongre, 2015)
This is also what our panel of 32 volunteers found. But, I feel we should emphasize that when ashwagandha was combined with a few other herbs known to be aphrodisiacs, that the overall result was more positive than when that single herb was given, especially when it was blended with Shijalit. In the below informal study by our panel, we found that Ashwagandha appears to have helped to boost the libido when on a program of Ginko biloba. Whether this is a synergistic effect is difficult to say, but it’s curious to note that there was a perceived difference by our participants on average.
Traditional Dosage and Methods
Traditionally, the most common form of ingestion is powdered roots (about 1-3 grams, twice a day), which is made into a tea. More recently, Ashwagandha has been shown to be effective when taken as a whole spectrum root extract in ethanol. This is what tinctures are made from, and the Sextracts Sexual Wellness Single Herb Tincture is made from a 5:1 full spectrum extract of the root. Capsules are also growing in popularity as well, and can be found on the Sextracts Shop elsewhere on this site. Our capsules contain an measured dose of 600 milligrams of 5:1 Ashwagandha powder for every two capsules.
Active Constituents
Alkaloids called “withanolides” have been isolated in ashwagandha, and are used for standard extracts. It’s important to note that the withanolide content was the marker for an effective extract when given to the patients in the referenced studies. These novel compounds could be responsible for the plant’s adaptogen status and ginseng-like properties, but there are no studies as of yet that unravel the complex nature of ashwaganda’s stamina in the realm of traditional medicine and herbalism. Ashwagandha has the capability to decrease cortisol, which could offer additional unexplored benefits.
Ashwagandha seems to be a very powerful adaptogen, with properties that seem to help alleviate stressors and balance the body. It’s one of those herbs that seems to have a lot of folk without a lot of science, but that’s not so. Of the research we found, most conclude that ashwagandha can be an effective natural aid to help fight fatigue, lower stress levels, and increase overall vitality. Yes, some of those descriptors make it sound less effective than it is, but in our exhaustive testing over the pest two years, with numerous volunteers anxious to help, the results have been nothing short of impressive. For me, ashwagandha has become a part of my daily regimen. As a result, I feel that I am better equipped to handle my day, no matter what it throws at me, which, in turn, helps my libido. It may not be a direct result, but feeling better, being less stressed, and increasing my overall vitality has everything to do with how intensely and how often I may feel that elusive romantic desire.
Herbs don’t need to promise to “extend length” in males in order to be effective. Sextracts realizes that most herbal aphrodisiacs are marketed to the unwary, to whose who are uncomfortable with their size and/or performance. Our target audience are people just like you and me; people who can go online and find the research that supports everything we share with you here. Sexual health isn’t just about size; it has to do with an overall program of health, which can includes foods that help support and encourage healthy libido, desire, and energy. Our doctor-formulated products here at Sextracts are based in science, and real-world tested on a panel of over 50 staff and volunteers who have helped us hone in on the most effective natural aphrodisiacs known to exist.
We don’t just cram a bunch of random herbs that may have some vague aphrodisiac effect. We spent several years in Research & Development before we even came up with our “Version 1” Formulation. After many misfires, after an immense amount of feedback and learning, we began to slowly hone in on the best formulas, synergies, and effective blend of herbs and herbal extracts that would have a tangible effect on sexual desire and sexual organs. We then priced our products extremely reasonably, so anyone could afford to get a quick fix for an important evening, or take part in our Sextracts Extended Sexual Health program for long-term support of increased libido and performance for both men and women.
Adimoelja, Arif. “Phytochemicals and the Breakthrough of Traditional Herbs in the Management of Sexual Dysfunctions.” International Journal of Andrology Int J Androl 23.S2 (2000): 82-84.
Andrade, Chittaranjan. “Ashwagandha for Anxiety Disorders.” The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 10.4-2 (2009): 686-87.
Cui, Zheng-Guo, Jin-Lan Piao, Mati U.r. Rehman, Ryohei Ogawa, Peng Li, Qing-Li Zhao, Takashi Kondo, and Hidekuni Inadera. “Molecular Mechanisms of Hyperthermia-induced Apoptosis Enhanced by Withaferin A.” European Journal of Pharmacology 723 (2014): 99-107.
Dasgupta, Amitava, and Emanuela Veras. “Effectiveness of Activated Charcoal and Equilibrium Dialysis in Removing Asian, American, Siberian and Indian Ginseng from Human Serum.” Clinica Chimica Acta 367.1-2 (2006): 144-49.
Singh, N., R. Nath, A. Lata, S. P. Singh, R. P. Kohli, and K. P. Bhargava. “Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha), a Rejuvenating Herbal Drug Which Enhances Survival During Stress (an Adaptogen).” International Journal of Crude Drug Research 20.1 (1982): 29-35.